We are dedicated to providing top quality incentives for all businesses. Our certificate incentives enable you to generate leads, boost sales, and increase referral business.
Businesses who use certificate incentives in their marketing & promotions see at least a 30% increase in sales. Give them as a referral gift, gift with purchase, gift for responding to a direct mail offer, among many other ways. Examples: "Visit our website" or "Come to our exhibitor booth" or "Spend $75 in our store" and you'll receive a 3 Day, 2 Night Vacation Certificate.
You Can Print, Personalize, Design and Distribute An Unlimited Number of Certificate Incentives
For a small yearly licensing fee, you receive the rights to print, personalize, design and distribute an unlimited number of certificates. Plus, the certificate is in a PDF document, so you can email it to your customers or upload it to your website for your customers to download and print. More details
You Can Sell The Certificates To Other Businesses
You can sell the certificates to other businesses for any price you choose, allowing you to earn enormous profits. More details
We Pay You Commissions For All Certificates Redeemed
Every time your customers redeem their certificate, we pay you a commission of $3-$6. More details
There is no performance incentive on earth that motivates like travel! Everybody wants a vacation!
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